Yongyuan is one of the famous China Polyolefin Shrink Wrap Bags manufacturers and suppliers. Our factory specializes in manufacturing of Polyolefin Shrink Wrap Bags. Welcome to buy Polyolefin Shrink Wrap Bags from us. Every request from customers is being replied within 24 hours.
Polyolefin heat shrinkable packaging bag is a kind of plastic packaging bag made by heat shrinking technology. The product has high transparency, high strength and good abrasion resistance, which can guarantee the integrity and quality of the packaging. The product can also use high-definition printing technology to achieve colorful, delicate and durable patterns. In addition, the product can also be customized according to the needs of customers, such as adding functional modules such as thickness, air holes, zippers, and flat bottoms to achieve better packaging effects and user experience. This product is an environmentally friendly plastic packaging bag, which can reduce the generation of waste through recycling and reuse, which is in line with the emphasis placed on environmental protection and sustainable development in modern society.
Mainly used for packaging regular and irregular shaped products, due to its non-toxic environmental protection, high transparency, high shrinkage rate, good heat sealing performance, high gloss, toughness, tear resistance, uniform heat shrinkage and suitable for automatic high-speed Packaging and other characteristics, it is a replacement product of traditional PVC heat shrinkable film, widely used in automotive supplies, plastic products, stationery, books, electronics, circuit boards, MP3, VCD, handicrafts, photo frames and other wood products, toys, insecticides, daily necessities , Food, cosmetics, canned beverages, dairy products, medicine, cassettes and video tapes and other products.